Friday, September 11, 2009

What Kinds Of Food For Constipation Are Best

What You Should Be Eating To Clean Your Colon

Eat this. No don't eat that. Don't even touch that! It's the kind of advice we keep getting daily. "If you eat excess fatty substances, you sure wont be able to poop". From the media to even our friends and loved ones, all we get is advice on what to eat or what not to. How do you decide what is good for you? How do you know what food for constipation is best? Given the fact that there seems to be so many "proven experts" in the market telling us what to eat and what not to. Who cares anyways! What if you could eat anything you literally want to eat and be sure that if there is any form of constipation, you'll eliminate it by nightfall. Would that be nice?

Well, there are quite a few people out there who can boast of providing a quick fix like that. However, if you've got constipation, you can eliminate it as fast as possible eating certain food for constipation. There are quite a few around:

1. Figs and Dates.

These are fruits high in fiber content. They take about twenty four hours before results can be seen. Because of its nature, figs enhance the process of digestion and are a rich source of fiber and minerals. This is not to mention the fact that they -figs and dates- produce serotonin.

2. Using Grapes

Eating one or two pounds of grapes in a day will greatly reduce the incidence of constipation. Grapes contain a high quantity of minerals and vitamins, high fiber content, and manganese. They are a great laxative and bring instant relief to the stomach.

3. Pawpaw

Pawpaw also known as Carica papaya is a well known fruit containing the enzyme papain. But not many know it for its qualities as a food for constipation. The high mineral content of the pawpaw reduces cell waste, gets rid of stomach mucus and colon mucus. To use them effectively, you can eat in between meals or add to smoothies.

4. Persimmon

Another important food for constipation, Persimmons have been reputed to be as highly nutritious as an apple and some claim it may yield better results for the heart. This is because of the high content of fiber and minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, iron et.c These minerals including phenolic compounds are anti-oxidants and as a result, colon cleaners. For quick results, eat two to three of it daily.

5. Plums

These are fruits with high mineral content in addition to having a gentle laxative property. They are very effective in clearing gas from the bowels.

6. Prunes

These are plums that are dried. So the both of them can be used interchangeably. But prunes are generally more effective food for constipation than plums are. Because of the high iron content prunes are generally considered one of the best ways to relieve constipation.

7. Raspberry

The raspberry is a fruit rich in Vit A and C. It is also rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Eating them during the day in copious quantities will relieve your constipation fast.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

The primary purpose of the gastrointestinal tract is to digest and absorb food. In order to fulfill this purpose, food must be ground, mixed, and transported through the intestines, where it is digested and absorbed.

In addition, undigested and unabsorbed portions of the food must be eliminated from the body.

In functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms, the grinding, mixing, digestion, and absorption functions are disturbed to only a minor degree.

These functions are essentially maintained, perhaps because of a built-in over-capacity of the gastrointestinal tract to perform these functions.

The most commonly affected function in these diseases is transportation. In the stomach and small intestine, the symptoms of slowed transportation are nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, and abdominal enlargement.

The symptom of rapid transportation usually is diarrhea. The interpretation of symptoms, however, may be more complicated than this. For example, let's say that a person has abnormally rapid emptying of the stomach.

The sensing of this rapid emptying by the intestinal sensory nerves normally brings about a motor nerve response to slow emptying of the stomach and transportation through the small intestine. Thus, rapid emptying of the stomach may give rise to symptoms of slowed transportation.

* Bowtrol

In the colon, abnormally slowed or rapid transportation results in constipation or diarrhea, respectively. In addition, there may be increased amounts of mucus coating the stool or a sense of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement.

As discussed previously, normal sensations may be abnormally processed and perceived. Such an abnormality could result in abdominal bloating and pain.
Abnormally processed sensations from the gastrointestinal organs also might lead to motor responses that cause symptoms of slowed or rapid transportation.

Slowed transportation of digesting food through the small intestine may be complicated, for example, by bacterial overgrowth. In bacterial overgrowth, gas-producing bacteria that are normally restricted to the colon move up into the small intestine.

There, they are exposed to greater amounts of undigested food than in the colon, which they turn into gas. This formation of gas can aggravate bloating and/or abdominal distention and result in increased amounts of flatus (passing gas, or flatulence) and diarrhea.

The gastrointestinal tract has only a few ways of responding to diseases. Therefore, the symptoms often are similar regardless of whether the diseases are functional or non-functional.

Thus, the symptoms of both functional and non-functional gastrointestinal diseases are nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal distention, diarrhea, constipation, and pain. For this reason, when functional disease is being considered as a cause of symptoms, it is important that the presence of non-functional diseases be excluded.

In fact, the exclusion of non-functional diseases usually is more important in evaluating patients who are suspected of having functional disease. This is so, in large part, because the tests for diagnosing functional disease are complex, not readily available, and often not very reliable. In contrast, the tests for diagnosing non-functional diseases are widely available and sensitive

For more information click here

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet

Consistent treatment of irritable bowel syndrome IBS helps cut worker absenteeism while improving work productivity, a new study shows.

IBS symptoms of abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating and constipation are associated with impaired quality of life and are the second most common cause of work-related absenteeism, behind the common cold, Canadian researcher, of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, said in a prepared statement.

Bowtrol successfully targets all IBS symptoms without causing side effects of prescription drugs. Bowtrol is the most powerful combination of product on the market and it contains 100% natural ingredients.

Most individuals are surprised to learn they are not alone with symptoms of IBS. In fact, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects approximately 10-20% of the general population. It is the most common disease diagnosed by gastroenterologists (doctors who specialize in medical treatment of disorders of the stomach and intestines) and one of the most common disorders seen by primary care physicians.

Sometimes irritable bowel syndrome is referred to as spastic colon, mucous colitis, spastic colitis, nervous stomach, or irritable colon.

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is generally classified as a "functional" disorder. A functional disorder refers to a disorder or disease where the primary abnormality is an altered physiological function (the way the body works), rather than an identifiable structural or biochemical cause. It characterizes a disorder that generally can not be diagnosed in a traditional way; that is, as an inflammatory, infectious, or structural abnormality that can be seen by commonly used examination, x-ray, or blood test.

For more information Click Here